
Welcome everyone to the official Igneus site!

We are pleased to welcome you! Here, grab a few cookies, and venture inside the Igneus Volcano, but be aware. Crazy stuff goes around here; our members are insane, some are even cannibal (though I think we Cookie Hammer'ed* them), and you're likely to end in the middle of some horrible RP and die, or be eaten, or something much, much worse.

But while you're here, please grab a sit and check out everything that you want. Clearly, there's not much to see, 'cause our main Headquarters is the main Igneus Board in the AE Forum. But still, we're going to use this website for anything that we want and don't know where else to put it, for example, the pets of the Igneus Zoo.

Well, that's pretty much all. If you're from another clan, make sure to have fun as well. Make sure you all leave a message in the guestbook!

*If you don't know what this means, it's not worth explaining it to you. You can check the Igneus Boards and ask there, 'cause I'm not gonna take the trouble of doing so.